Monday, April 30, 2012

Mehndi India

Behind every tattoo there is a story.

There are plenty of reasons to get a tattoo. In our society we may do it because its for fashion, for personal reasons, being symbolic of something and even just a fake tattoo, everyone seems to enjoy the idea of having something printed on their skins. 

Today's post we will look closely at another form of art, known as the Mehndi. 

A certain paste is made and put in a cone like tube so that the sharp end of the cone squeezes out the paste. The pastes goes onto the skin and as it dries up, you get the print of it on your hands. 

Mehndi is usually used in wedding and for the coming of age for girls in India. It is a figurative art because it is not permanent and changes constantly. 

The following video lets you view the complexity behind making the Mehndi style of art on your hands. 

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