Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Russian Superstitions

A big aspect of Russian Taboos is the amount of superstitions involved in their culture. It controls their everyday lives, such as not being able to return back home if you forget something, otherwise you will have bad luck, and if you do return back, you must look at yourself in the mirror before leaving again.

For Russian people, superstitions are taken very seriously and a lot of people abide by them religiously.

As a child growing up with Russian parents, I was raised knowing and taking part in these superstitions. Even till this day I won't whistle indoors as it brings bad luck, as my mother told me.

The article linked below lists many of the Russian superstitions which are well known by all of the Russian community around the world. One of them listed says that you should never celebrate your birthday early. For my entire life my parents wouldn't let me celebrate my birthday the weekend before it actually came up because again it was bad luck to do so. I had to wait until the week after to have a party.

My point to this is that superstitions in Russian culture is a big taboo of its own, and revolves around their lives just like a religion would. Of course their are many other countries that have their own superstitions too, so let us know the superstitions you were brought up with in your home.

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